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2 Translation results for marshal in Spanish

noun | verb

marshal noun

unfavorite favorite play sound
maestro de ceremonias; mariscal (en el ejército); jefe, -fa (de la policía, de los bomberos, etc.)

marshal verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
marshaled, has marshaled, is marshaling, marshals
poner en orden, reunir; conducir

Example sentences of
marshal verb

  • She carefully marshaled her thoughts before answering the question.
  • marshaled their forces for battle

Detailed synonyms for marshal verb

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Reverse translation for marshal

mariscal  (en el ejército) - marshal 
jefe  - chief, head, leader, boss 
reunir  - to unite, to join, to bring together, to round up, to have, to possess, to gather, to collect, to raise (funds) 
conducir  - to drive a vehicle, to direct, to lead, to drive (a vehicle)